Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Holy Electronic Voting Machines, Batman!

The time has finally arrived. Springtime equals primary elections. Maybe that's why I received my glossy "How to Vote on an Electronic Voting Machine for Dummies" brochure in the mail just last week. I obviously did not have enough time to properly study its contents.

Upon entering my usual polling place, I was overcome with a sad nostalgia (but first, I checked to see if my favorite same 6 senior citizens were running the show); for where those faded mint green metal monsters with the sweet automatic curtains once stood, there were 2 black plastic oversized pop-up screens.

As a MegaTouch Photo Hunt fan, I was sure that these silly things would be no match for my kickass touch-screen skillz. And they weren't. But, something strange caught my eye while voting...

The first screen listed the ballots for the top positions, e.g. Governor, Lt. Gov., Senator. Then, the second page listed the candidates for State Representatives, Committe Members, etc. But, um, the second page not only listed the names of the candidates, but their genders, too! What's up with that? Why don't you have Gov. Rendell listed as a "male"? But, in order to elect committe members, we have to know what version of genitals they possess?

Am I totally nuts, or is this the first time genders have been listed on the ballot? Or is that some type of freaky Committe requirement - half dudes, half broads? AYFKM?, quoting Throck.

Oh, whatever, I'm too busy studying for the PAB MS with PMBR that I don't have the strength to rant abaht the entire electronic voting pro-cess. Change is good, right? Um, right.

As long as we get Tricky Ricky in the fall...

1 comment:

emily said...

dice, will you PUH-LEEZE blog again soon? your public eagerly awaits...
