Thursday, March 02, 2006

Can You Smell It?'s the smell of Spring Break. And it starts (for me, at least) at 3:15pm EST tomorrow. Not so much the whole wet T-shirt contest/Booze Cruise version of S.B., but a period of time in which I do not have to think about a certain legal case for which I have read no less than 15 different briefs. Oh yeah, I get to read more of them when I get back from Newalins...but that's like, 11 days from now. All that stands between me & cleaning my apartment & packing up my shit is 14 pages of Es&Ts reading & ONE MORE BRIEF & accompanying student meeting.

Ahem, die M. L. Hosty & Dean Patricia Carter, die. You too, Steven Barbra & Jeni Porche, or whatever your name is. Fuck the Innovator & their weak-ass bi-monthly publishing schedule. Fuck prior restraints. Double fuck the qualified immunity Saucier test. And what's the fucking deal with the Governors State University lacking the possessive apostrophe? Lordy am I sick of editing 1L briefs. Can you tell?

Anyhoo, I am almost ready to do some serious cover letter action tomorrow evening, followed by Saturday's "Attack & Pack" plan, a clever name which I just may have to trademark. You know, this week has flown by, even though I haven't had the pleasure of my King's company. But that's OK. I know that he's in a better place than the Barco. And for that I am thankful...and jealous.

A quick shout out to the Hillman Library for providing me much-needed shelter/hiding me from 1Ls this week. The Cup & Chaucer rulz. Shit, I just let the cat ahtta the proverbial bag.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
