Friday, January 06, 2006

A Dog's Life

For those of you who have never had the pleasure of meeting the D-Dogg, here she is boating on the Allegheny River this past summer. Don't let the smile fool you; she will eat your pants right off your butt. Seriously.

Daisy is an Australian Cattle Dog who loves to kill sticks, tennis balls & frisbees. She was born on a farm known as "Noah's Landing" in Aaronsburg, PA in 1999. Although I found Daiz as a result of some pretty tragic shit, namely, my Beagle getting hit by a train whilst being dog-sat, she is a great compadre. Except for the pants-eating thing.

Great moments in Daisy's life:
Visiting 30-odd states (& some Canadian provinces) on her way to Alaska & back during the summer of 2000.
Living in a tent in Chugach State Park in Anchorage, AK for 6 weeks (with me).
Took on a moose & lived.
Went back-country skiing in Wyoming on New Year's Day 2001 & got bloodied by some ski edges...a few stitches later, she was feeling fine.
Took on a porcupine & lived. With 27 quills in her snout. On election day 2000. Really.
Various "Dogg Parties" at the S.S. Cooter over 3 years.
Going overboard on Kels' accident. Again & again.
Refusing to learn how to swim. Ever.
Biting everyone's ankles.
Being the best Dice-guard there could ever be.

Hope that you now understand the dog behind the fur.


Anonymous said...

For those who have not had the pleasure--she is just like Ms. Candace in a fur coat. A little rough at the outset (she eats your pants and won't let you out of the bathroom-as opposed to talking about her bowel movements ad nauseam)--but once you get past the initial growls--she is the absolute best thing on earth. I love that damn dog ALMOST as much as I love her owner. Whew--nothing like commenting on a blog when you are TOTALLY wasted.



Anonymous said...

Got your photo up, I see.
Ah, reading blogs during the first day or property...

Diceburgh said...

Thanks only to you, pay attention, especially when you get to The Rule Against Perpetuities or TRAP! Also, adverse possession rocks!
Luv, Dice