Wednesday, January 18, 2006

We've Been Served

Perusing the blogospere, sipping a nice glass of (um, iced-dahn) Shiraz, I vaguely listened to the WPXI Channel 11 evening news. All of a sudden, a hysterical John Fedko, the infamous hair-plugged "The Fedko Zone" sports newsman, began freaking from Denver.

He spoke emphatically, pointing to a print copy of the Rocky Mountain News & calling out some journalist who is currently visiting the Burgh from Denver. Be warned, Bill Johnson: Fedko's got your number.

You may be wondering by now, what the hell was Fedko so pissed about? Well, in fact, he was super-mega-irate because this Bill Johnson character called the Burgh of Pitts "one butt ugly town" in an article titled, "Shot-and-beer Pittsburgh froths at mouth."

Fucking read it. Aside from the whole P-Burgh bashing angle, he actually captures some of the local flavor. But then quickly insults and/or retreats in awe of our hard-drinkin', Steeler-lovin' ways.

I have a hard time believing that a publication as respectable as the Roc-key Mahntin News would actually allow a journalist to use the phrase "butt ugly." My mind has been blown for the day.

Anyhoo, the Broncos are goin' dahn & picking on Pittsburgh will not change a damn thing about it.

Do I even have to say it? Go Steelers!


Timmer said...


I love the Stees, and I love the people I have met in da burgh, but, seriously, Pittsburgh borders on butt-ugly. I thought I had died and been sent to hell when I got here--sorry. Maybe it is unfair since I was in Boulder and San Diego before I got here, ain't so pretty.

Positive views of the city skyline can be had from the Ft. Pitt Bridge, however.


AML said...

Tims...I love you but I gotta disagree. Pittsburgh is beautiful, why? Because it's real and authentic, it's not some planned expansion town the result of a gold rush or manifest destiny.

It's beautiful for its geography, its reinvention, its skyline and even for Oakland. I mean, when I go to the Soufside, sometimes I feel that I'm walking through a 'ghetto-style' Georgetown, but that kick's ass, because it's not some overpriced stip of chain stores catered to tourists and the elitist upper-middle class - it's real.

Pittsburgh is a gorgeous town, we may be a little gray and dirty from time to time, but that is merely a reflection on our past...a past which, industrious as it may have been, was a necessary precedent to the construction and expansion of the country.

Pittsburgh = Beautiful!

Diceburgh said...

Thanks, Andrew. The weather sucks, which doesn't really add to the beauty, but to be cliche, "you can't judge a book by its cover...."

We have heart. Albeit a totally football-centered, black & gold heart, but at least we've got one.

And, yes, that is why I live in the city, proper. No strip malls here. Yet.